4th Plasma Basics Course

13 Aug - 23 Aug 2023



Plasma Basics Course (PBC) is a summer course that introduces a series of lectures on the basics of plasma physics. This course targets the senior BSc and MSc students interested in Plasma Physics. To follow this course, you need to have the basic knowledge of the following subjects: (1) mechanics, (2) electricity, (3) magnetism, and (3) electrodynamics is preferable. The course comes in four full days distributed between 13 Aug 2023 and 23 Aug 2023. This year, the PBC will take place at the The British University in Egypt.


Organizing committee


View the TimeTable

13 Aug 2023:
Introduction to plasma physics by Ibraheem Elkamash (No Slides)
Plasma theories (SPM) by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Assignments & problems by Plasma Team (No Slides)

14 Aug 2023:
Uniform E and B fields by Mohamed Shihab (No Slides)
Waves 1 by Ibraheem Elkamash (No Slides)
Group work by Plasma Team (No Slides)
Experimental plasma by Azza Talab (Slides)

15 Aug 2023:
Plasma as a fluid by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Waves 2 by Ibraheem Elkamash (No Slides)
Electron plasma waves by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Assignments & problems by Plasma Team (No Slides)

16 Aug 2023:
Ion plasma waves by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Low temperature plasma experiments by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Waves 3 by Ibraheem Elkamash (No Slides)
Assignments & problems by Plasma Team (No Slides)

20 Aug 2023:
Waves 4 by Ibraheem Elkamash (No Slides)
Laser plasma interaction by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Assignments & problems by Plasma Team (No Slides)

21 Aug 2023:
Electrostatic electron oscillations perpendicular to B by Waleed Moslem (No Slides)
Plasma heating by Mohamed Shihab (No Slides)
Two stream instability by Ibraheem Elkamash (No Slides)
Experimental plasma by Azza Talab (Slides)

22 Aug 2023:
Electrostatic ion waves perpendicular to B by Waleed Moslem (No Slides)
Bounded plasma by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Korteweg-De Vries Equation by Ibraheem Elkamash (No Slides)
Mid-course exam by Plasma Team (No Slides)
Group work by Plasma Team (No Slides)

23 Aug 2023:
Sagdeev potential by Ibraheem Elkamash (No Slides)
Dense plasma by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Dusty plasma by Waleed Moslem (No Slides)
Assignments & problems by Plasma Team (No Slides)

Feedback of the students

Anonymous says
ما شاء الله اللهم بارك بجد اول مرة اتعامل مع دكاترة بالكفاءة دى الشرح تحفه وتعاملهم معانا كمان حلو جدا شكرااا لحضراتكم جداا 🥰🥰 بجد استافدت كتير من الكورس واتمنى انى احضر المدرسه فى بورسعيد أن شاء الله

Anonymous says
both lectures and speakers are amazing new topics, focusing on the basics which is very important moreover it returns my motivation to continue in the field

Anonymous says
مدرسة رائعة و متمكنين من تخصصهم والشرح أكثر من رائع

Anonymous says
they were perfect and have updated topics skills

Anonymous says
The lectures were interesting, and the speakers presented them in an easy and interesting way, and in a wonderful manner. They were keen to benefit and teach us, even the questions outside the course.

Anonymous says
كان تحفه بجد خصوصا وجود دكتور عزه اضافه للمدرسه

Anonymous says
كانت المحاضرات مثالية وذات محتوى عالي من الكفاءة والدقة وفتحت لنا آفاق واسعة ونقطة بداية للتعمق في فيزياء البلازما . الماحاضرين ممتازين بكل ما تعنيه الكلمة واسلوبهم في طرح ومناقشة المعلومة كان شيقاً واكثر ثباتاً للمعلومة وخصوصاً المناقشات التي كانت تدور بين المحاضرين والطلاب .

Anonymous says
The lecturers were very good specially the wave part the speaker were very professional

Anonymous says
-the lectures are well structured and organized -loved the group work sessions, working on problems at the class is essential, and forcing us to work with each other helped us gain new insights and prospective. Although to be honest it was a bit annoying that one of the TAs would assume you are trying to prey the answer from them, rather than having a constructive discussion -Dr. Ibrahim's lectures was, although concerning a mostly simple content, very fun to attend. they also build intuition, which is very admirable, considering most university doctors overlook this skill entirely. -as a person who is only exposed to theoretical physics in his undergrad studies, I was glad to be met with some exposure to the experimental side introduced by Dr.Azza. However, the huge gap between the theoretical and experimental sides was annoying, I would've loved it if there was some kind of bridging explaining more the theory behind those experiments. -if I may add one suggestion, it would be fewer problems in the homework with wider range of ideas: many of the problems were time consuming while not so much educational. consider that some of us lost time in transportations. - the midterm depended too much on memorizing formulas, nobody spend time memorizing formulas anymore. you memorize it through long exposure, not a couple of lectures.

Anonymous says
تميزت المحاضرات عن غير تلك التي نحضرها في الجامعة انها بها مشاركة لافكار للطلبة في الحل أو الشرح والسؤال عن أي شىء يجول بعقلك طريقة الشرح سلسة ومميزة حقا لا أستطيع القول كم استفدت بأشياء كثيرة خلال هذه المحاضرات المحاضرين من جهة اخري جميعهم كانوا يحاولوا أقصي جهدهم لتوصيل المعلومات لنا بطريقة سهلة وان ننظر للمفاهيم بشكل عميق وليس سطحي

Anonymous says
The lectures were interesting, despite being some of them a bit advanced, they were easy to follow. I just hope in the coming times that a lecture will be devoted to reminding students of the physical concepts that will be needed for the upcoming lectures. I would like to give praise and thanks to all professors for devoting their time and energy for this course.

Anonymous says
All lectures held at this summer school were fascinating. They were both theoretically and experimentally oriented, which helped me see the whole picture of the plasma world. The lecturers and TAs were very cooperative and they explained ideas and concepts very well. I would like to thank all of them, in particular Dr. Ibrahim Elkamash, from whom I have learned about new things concerning physical concepts and experience in scientific careers.

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت جميلة جدا الحلو أن المحاضرات كانت من الصفر من تعريف يعني ايه بلازما وبعدين المستوى بدأ يزيد والمحاضرين كلهم شرحهم جميل جدا وبيحبوا اللي بيقدموه

Anonymous says
The speakers were great and the lectures were well organized. My only comment is that the approach used in teaching the modeling process needs to be modified from scratch. Considering the interplay between Thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics, and Electromagnetism, a few prerequisites are needed. Building the intuition for this needs a bit more effort, I believe.

Anonymous says
It is a wonderful course and is familiar with many fields related to plasma, and the lecturers are more than wonderful and proficient in their fields, but the course is somewhat advanced, so not all It is fully understood

Anonymous says
Thank you very much for the effort you put into explaining the content and the easy and uncomplicated way of explanation. Regarding the lectures, I liked their gradation and arrangement of the titles and topics of the lectures, as well as the lecturers' advice in practical life.

Anonymous says
The lectures were great and well-explained, but the course was so intense that we didn't have time to study and solve the assignment problems on the same day. We only had time to solve some problems, not all of them, in a single day. This created some pressure to try to keep up with the course and not get overwhelmed, so there are some things that I didn't fully understand due to the limited time available for studying. However, I believe this course is truly a milestone in my life, and I learned a lot about plasma concepts and physics concepts in general, which are incredibly important. This course has changed my mindset. Thank you.

Anonymous says
lecture were very informative, remarkable and interesting. I liked that professors have vision and purpose. lectures were full of life and were neither boring, absurd nor shallow. therefore, I had fun and got a lot of benefits and skills. Professors were very helpful, welcoming and encouraging. lectures of professor Ebraheem helped me a lot especially because I've already studied oscillations and waves course but he interpreted it in a different way. I was also fascinated with the group work and I made a new friends, we helped each other and inspired one another. overall I loved the course and I consider taking plasma as a future career by virtue of this school.

Anonymous says
حقيقي المحاضرات كانت جميلة وممتعة جدا، والكورس في مجهود كبير مبذول، اكتر حاجة استفدتها من الكورس هي فكرة الفهم بعمق وفي نفس الوقت نحاول نربط الفيزياء ببعضها عن طريق ال analogy. في مفاهيم كتير فهمتها في الفيزياء بشكل عام لأول مرة بشكل مختلف وحقيقي دكتور القماش بذل مجهود كبير في دة. فكرة المناقشة و team work كانت مهمة جدا وفرقت في أني أفهم ااذا كان فهمي صح ولا لا. الكورس ممكن يكون محتاج مقدمة عن اللي هيحصل في شكل خريطة ذهنية بس عشان يكون في تصور مبدأي شكرا لمجهود الدكاترة والمنظمين... وحقيقي مبسوطة أنه في حاجة موجودة في مصر تسمح بمناقشة الفيزياء بالشكل دة

Anonymous says
كورس رائع ومفيد جدا وممتع ومرتبط بجميع مجالات الفيزياء

Anonymous says
The lectures were great, offering a good overview of the plasma physics as a field, in addition to insights into more general -and more fundamental- topics in physics. Shout-out to Dr. Ibraheem ElKamash for his lectures on waves and oscillations, perturbation theory, and stability analysis. I would like as well to take this opportunity to thank all professors/speakers for their effort both in teaching and organizing this course.


  • Physics students in 3rd or 4th level.
  • Nuclear Engineering students in 3rd, 4th or 5th level.
  • MSc and PhD student in Plasma Physics or any discipline related to plasma.

Registeration fees & Scholarships

  • 500 EGP
  • Out of the 25 accepted students, we may offer grants to cover the accommodation of 15 students. Only students living outside Cairo are eligible to get an accommodation grant.


  • 27 May 2023 Application open
  • 30 Jun 2023 Application deadline
  • 03 Jul 2023 Results
  • 13 Aug 2023 Course starts
  • 23 Aug 2023 Course end

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Application steps

  1. Create an account.
  2. Login.
  3. Complete your personal data.
  4. Upload the following documents:
    • Motivation letter.
    • Transcript (online transcript is ok and not necesssary to be a hard copy).
    • University card.
  5. Submit the application before the deadline.