1st High Energy Physics Simulation Course

15 - 19 August 2022


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This course targets Egyptian students who want to work in the field of experimental high-energy physics. The course is project-oriented, starting with a tutorial and hands-on exercises using CERN ROOT libraries. The main topics of the course are: 1-the Design and simulation of calorimeter detectors 2- A hands-on project to design and simulate a calorimeter using ROOT. The project is preceded by a crash course in detector physics and the basics of particle interaction with matter. The project provides a great opportunity to write (from scratch) a simulation of a particle detector and provides a deep insight to:
  • Monte-Carlo simulation
  • Reconstruction
  • Particle identification and analysis techniques.
The project allows experimenting with analysis techniques at a small scale with a full handle on all different layers of the analysis. Such an experience is of immense importance to have before joining LHC-scale experiments. If you are eligible, don’t miss such an opportunity, and apply before the deadline, 06 Aug 2022 at 23:59:59.


  • Introduction to detector physics.
  • Introduction to MC methods.
  • Introduction to calorimeter simulation.
  • Root tutorials.


  • Final year BSc students of Physics or Engineering
  • MSc and PhD researcher in high energy physics
  • Proficiency in c++ (object-oriented programming in general) is a must.
  • Familiarity with root packages (optional).
  • Familiarity with principles of particle interactions with matter and detectors (optional).


  • Ahmed Tarek, PhD (MSU, USA), member of the ATLAS collaboration (CERN)

Organizing committee

  • SPS-Society of Physics Student (Assuit University)


To be announced.

Registeration fees

The admission in this course is free of charge. However, only 20 places are available.

Important Dates

  • 22 Jul 2022 Application open
  • 06 Aug 2022 Application deadline
  • 08 Aug 2022 Results
  • 15 Aug 2022 Course starts
  • 19 Aug 2022 Course end


  • Shared rooms in a private students accommodation
  • Costs: Reduced price of 200 EGP for the whole period
  • Check-in: 15 Aug 2022 from 10:00 AM.
  • Check-out: 20 Aug 2022 before 12:00 AM.

Do you have questions?

Application steps

  1. Create an account.
  2. Login.
  3. Complete your personal data.
  4. Upload the following documents:
    • Motivation letter.
    • University card.
    • National ID
  5. Submit the application before 06 Aug 2022 at 23:59:59.